Priestley Heather Consulting


A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) is a means of measuring the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact.  There are six Bushfire Attack Levels that form part of the Australian Standard for construction in bushfire prone areas (As 3959 – 2018).

Bushfire threat is not great enough to warrant specific construction requirements

BAL – Low

Property will be subject to ember attack

BAL – 12.5

Subject to ember attack and burning debris and increasing heat flux

BAL – 19

Subject to ember attack and burning debris and greater increase in heat flux

BAL – 29

Ember attack, burning debris and higher heat flux, likely to be exposed to flames

BAL – 40

Direct exposure to flames from fire. Increased heat flux and ember attack


Why are BAL’s important?

Assessing a properties level of threat from bushfire attack is crucial in providing greater protection for the occupants of  building while the fire front passes as well as providing protection to the building itself.

When do I need a BAL report?

New homes and additions in a Bushfire Prone Area will require a BAL Assessment before any planning or building permits can be issued.

Who can do my BAL Assessment?

The team at PHC are available for your BAL Assessment and will travel Victoria wide.  PHC BAL Assessors are Bushfire Planning and Design (BPAD) Accredited and completed their training with the Fire Protection Association of Australia (FPAA). Book your BAL Assessment with Priestley Heather Consulting.

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